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What every parent should know about concussions and traumatic brain injury

For every child who enters a field of play, there is a parent in the stands worried about possible injuries. No matter the sport, no matter the child’s age, a parent’s thoughts turn to all the possible ways their child could be hurt from falls, contact with other players or equipment, or just the nature of the game. Concussions and other traumatic...

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Swimmer’s Shoulder: What it is and how to avoid it.

Swimmer’s Shoulder: What it is and how to avoid it. The heat of summer can make it difficult to get motivated for cardio workouts like running or even walking. Swimming can be a great substitute and provides a full body workout. But if the pool is your gym, you’ll want to be sure your shoulders are ready for the workout. Pain or injury from repetitive...

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Weekend warriors aren’t indestructible: Here’s how to protect yourself during your favorite activities

Weekend warriors aren’t indestructible: Here’s how to protect yourself during your favorite activities That first weekend when the weather changes – the humidity drops, the temperature takes a tiny dip, the cloudless sky is a bright almost-fall blue – transforms athletes everywhere into “weekend warriors.” And while that phrase may sound like a superhero...

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Spotlight on DOC Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine’s Bone Health Clinic

Spotlight on DOC Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine’s Bone Health Clinic The professionals at DOC Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine are dedicated to the treatment of bone injuries, and they also work to help patients avoid those injuries through treatment plans that include exercise, physical therapy and overall bone health. “We started the bone health...

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Achieving orthopaedic health in 2022

Achieving orthopaedic health in 2022 Year after year, the most common new year’s resolutions involve improving overall health and exercising more. Both are worthwhile aspirations, but for some people, arthritis or other orthopaedic issues can make them a bit challenging… but not impossible. By refining your resolution to focus on your orthopaedic...

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How to achieve your fitness goals in 2022

How to achieve your fitness goals in 2022 Whether you’ve set aside your fitness goals during the holidays or during the pandemic, you may see the advent of 2022 as a chance to start again. Before you dive in headfirst, it’s important to consider your downtime, reset your starting point, and start slowly. This will help you avoid frustration or even...

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