Exploring The Top Tennis Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Playing tennis is a great way to stay active and enjoy yourself at the same time. It uses every part of your body, and it’s definitely more socially engaging than a HIIT video at home and certainly more high energy than hitting the treadmill at the gym. But like any athletic endeavor,...
Nutrition and Bone Health: What you eat and drink matters
Nutrition and Bone Health: What you eat and drink matters
Most of us have been told from an early age to “drink milk for strong bones.” Turns out, that’s actually true… at least in part. Calcium plays an important role in supporting bone health, and most Americans get the majority of their calcium from dairy products including milk, cheese, and...
Why do you feel the cold in your knees?
Why do you feel the cold in your knees?
Once we reach a certain age, it seems like cold weather makes everything hurt. If you’ve been noticing a bit
more knee pain than usual this winter, it’s not your imagination. Cold weather really does cause knee pain, and here’s why:
The barometric pressure changes. This is the primary factor that leads to...
Winter Bone Health
Winter Bone Health
Winter in the deep South doesn’t bring quite the same ferocity it does up north, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t bring inconveniences of its own. While we might not have ice and snow on a regular basis, we still have plenty of cold and damp to make winter occasionally uncomfortable and sometimes even treacherous.
Even the...
Achieving orthopaedic health in 2022
Achieving orthopaedic health in 2022
Year after year, the most common new year’s resolutions involve improving overall health and exercising more. Both are worthwhile aspirations, but for some people, arthritis or other orthopaedic issues can make them a bit challenging… but not impossible.
By refining your resolution to focus on your...
How to achieve your fitness goals in 2022
How to achieve your fitness goals in 2022
Whether you’ve set aside your fitness goals during the holidays or during the pandemic, you may see the advent of 2022 as a chance to start again. Before you dive in headfirst, it’s important to consider your downtime, reset your starting point, and start slowly. This will help you avoid frustration or...
May your holidays be joyful… and safe.
May your holidays be joyful… and safe.
For most of us, the holidays tend to be a time for more… More decorations, more traditions, more food, more family, more parties, more fun. And with all those joyous family gatherings, festive decorations and elaborate dinners, it’s important to be extra careful while enjoying the most wonderful time of...
Don’t Let Those Ho Ho Hos Turn Into Oh Oh Ohs
Resolve to Be Good to Your Shoulders This Holiday Season: Don’t Let Those Ho Ho Hos Turn Into Oh Oh Ohs
The holidays can be a magical time filled with family gatherings, traditions, and fun. After all, there’s much to celebrate from Turkey Day to Christmas and then the ringing in of the long-awaited new year! But those days of feast and fancy...
Treating Basketball Injuries without Surgery
Treating Basketball Injuries without Surgery
It’s that time of year again: As football season winds down, basketball season is just getting started. Student athletes and amateurs alike are taking refuge in the gym to escape cooling temperatures. And while basketball may offer advantages over outdoor sports in the winter – temperature control,...
Protecting and Treating Our Hands
Protecting and Treating Our Hands
When our hands are healthy and pain-free, we are able to quickly and effortlessly perform countless tasks, from tying shoes to signing our names, swinging a tennis racket or steering a vehicle, texting a loved one to gardening with our grandchildren.
But because our hands are made up of a network of complex...