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Piriformis Syndrome vs. Sciatica

Pain in the Butt: Piriformis Syndrome vs. Sciatica You may have heard the assertion that “sitting is the new smoking.” While the long-term impact of extended sitting is most certainly negative, sitting for too long can also cause frequent or constant pain in the hips, back, or backside. To further complicate matters, this same pain may be caused...

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Don’t let a meniscus tear take you off course

Don’t let a meniscus tear take you off course Gorgeous summer weather seems like the perfect time to head out to the links and hit a few golf balls. Time on the golf course is a great opportunity to enjoy some fresh air, spend time outdoors, and get some exercise that might actually be fun. But whether it’s due to age, insufficient warm up,...

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Why do you feel the cold in your knees?

Why do you feel the cold in your knees? Once we reach a certain age, it seems like cold weather makes everything hurt. If you’ve been noticing a bit more knee pain than usual this winter, it’s not your imagination. Cold weather really does cause knee pain, and here’s why: The barometric pressure changes. This is the primary factor that leads to winter...

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A physician’s perspective on youth sports

A physician’s perspective on youth sports As the parent of a young athlete, it can be difficult to balance the desire to support your child’s desire for success and the need to protect their physical wellness. Dr. Russell Ellis, who works with DOC Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Decatur and specializes in sports medicine, shared his insights,...

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The link between weight and joint pain

The link between weight and joint pain By now, most of us are aware that targeting and maintaining a healthy weight can have a positive impact on nearly every aspect of our physical health, from cardiac and circulatory health to mental wellness. So, it’s no surprise that a healthy weight is also beneficial for your joints, both in managing everyday...

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